2021 DivE Award Recipients
Congratulations to the following 2021 Division E Award Winners!
We thank you for engaging in important and meaningful research.
Counseling Awards
Distinguished Research Awards
Drs. Francis L. Huang (University of Missouri) & Dewey G. Cornell (University of Virginia)
Francis L. Huang & Dewey G. Cornell (2021). Teacher support for zero tolerance Is associated with higher suspension
rates and lower feelings of safety. School Psychology Review, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2020.1832865
Drs. Melissa M. Luke (Syracuse University) & Harvey Charles Peters (George Washington University)
Peters, H. C., Luke, M., Bernard, J., & Trepal, H. (2020). Socially just and culturally responsive leadership within
counseling and counseling psychology: A grounded theory investigation. The Counseling Psychologist, 1-
33. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011000020937431
Human Development Awards
Outstanding Dissertation
Dr. Janna Brown McClain (Middle Tennessee State University)
Dissertation Title: Negotiating Tensions in the Linguistic Demands of the Classroom: A Multi-Method Exploration of Teachers’ Academic Language Ideologies
Distinguished Research Award
Drs. James P. Huguley & Ming-Te Wang (University of Pittsburgh)
Research: Series of three meta-analytic papers on parental ethnic-racial socialization and youth of color’s developmental outcomes
Wang, M.-T., Henry, D. A., Smith, L. V., Huguley, J. P., & Guo, J. (2020). Parental ethnic-racial socialization practices and children of color’s psychosocial and behavioral adjustment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Psychologist, 75(1), 1– 22. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000464
Huguley, J. P., Wang, M.-T., Vasquez, A. C., & Guo, J. (2019). Parental ethnic racial socialization practices and the construction of children of color’s ethnic–racial identity: A research synthesis and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 145(5), 437- 458. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000187
Wang, M., Smith, L. V., Miller‐Cotto, D., & Huguley, J. P. (2019). Parental ethnic‐racial socialization and children of color's academic success: A meta‐analytic review. Child Development, 91(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13254
2020 DivE Award Recipients
Congratulations to the following 2020 Division E Award Winners!
We thank you for engaging in important and meaningful research.
Counseling Awards
Outstanding Dissertation
Laurie Garo (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Garo, L., Allen-Handy, A., & Lewis, C. W. (2018). Race, poverty, and violence exposure: A critical spatial analysis of
African American trauma vulnerability and educational outcomes in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Journal of Negro
Education, 87(3), 246-269.
Distinguished Research Article
Rami Benbenishty (Bar Ilan University, Israel), Ron Avi Astor (University of Southern California), and Ilan Roziner (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Benbenishty, R., Astor, R. A., & Roziner, I. (2018). A school-based multilevel study of adolescent suicide ideation in
California high schools. The Journal of Pediatrics, 196, 251-257.
Human Development Awards
Outstanding Dissertation
Jing Chen (The Ohio State University)
Chen, J. (2018). Dialogue patterns and peer social relationships during collaborative small-group discussions: A
multiple methods approach (Doctoral dissertation).
Distinguished Research Article
Cheryl L. Somers (Wayne State University) and Colleagues
Centeio, E. E., Somers, C. L., Moore, E. W. G., Garn, A., Kulik, N., Martin, J., Shen, B., & McCaughtry, N. (2019).
Considering physical well-being, self-perceptions, and support variables in understanding youth academic
achievement. Journal of Early Adolescence, 40(1), 134–157.
Graduate Student Posters
Brian Bernstein, David Lubinski, & Camilla Benbow (Vanderbilt University): Academic Acceleration in Gifted Youth and Fruitless Concerns Regarding Psychological Well-Being: A 35-Year Longitudinal Study
Nicole Brass & Alison Ryan (University of Michigan): Who is the top dog? An Investigation of Fifth Graders’ Social Adjustment Across School Contexts
Briana Rodriguez (University of Pittsburgh): Math, The Girl That All the Nerds Want: Exploring the Attitudes and Beliefs of High and Low Math Anxious Students
Awards & Funding Opportunities
Education Research Conference Proposals
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) invites proposals for its Education Research Conferences Program. Through this program, AERA awards grants of up to $35,000 for conferences intended to break new ground in substantive areas of inquiry, stimulate new lines of study on issues that have been largely unexplored, or develop innovative research methods or techniques that can contribute more generally to education research. It is anticipated that research conferences will draw upon diverse disciplines and fields of inquiry where there is relevant scientific and scholarly expertise. The program aims to foster the accumulation of knowledge, enhance dissemination, encourage innovation, and advance studies of the highest quality in education research. The call for this program has been updated for 2020, to reflect the change to a single cycle per year (previously two cycles in the Spring and Fall) and to provide more clarity and structure to those interested in submitting a proposal. More information and the full Call for Proposals can be found at: https://www.aera.net/Education-Research/Education-Research-Conferences-Program.
AERA will accept proposals sent as an email attachment to EdResearchConference@aera.net no later than 11:59 Eastern Time on Thursday, March 5, 2020 .Direct any questions about the AERA Education Research Conferences Program eligibility requirements or submission process toEdResearchConference@aera.net or (202) 238-3200.
Education Research Service
AERA’s Education Research Service Projects (ERSP) program encourages education researchers to offer their pro bono expertise to educational organizations, institutions, or other community groups that have identified and expressed a need for such assistance. The ERSP program provides small grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 to defray direct costs involved in these projects. ERSP awards may be used only to defray the direct costs associated with research service, allowing education researchers to contribute their time and expertise and thereby to serve the public good. More information and the full Call for Proposals can be found at: https://www.aera.net/Education-Research/Education-Research-Service-Projects.
AERA will accept proposals sent as an email attachment to EdResearch@aera.net no later than 11:59 Eastern Time on Monday, February 24, 2020. Direct any questions about the AERA Education Research Service Projects eligibility requirements or submission process to EdResearch@aera.net or (202) 238-3200.
Outstanding Dissertation Award
Nominations for this category will be accepted for dissertations completed during the years 2017, 2018, and 2019. Nomination materials should include two electronic copies of an article-length manuscript from the dissertation with personal information removed from one of the copies. If the dissertation was a 3-manuscript format, please provide two electronic copies of one of the article-length manuscripts and abstracts for the other two. The abstracts will be used to contextualize the work, ONLY the full-length manuscript will be evaluated. Full-length dissertations will not be accepted. Nominations must also include a letter of nomination from the dissertation chair and verification that the nominee is currently a Division E member. Manuscripts may or may not have been published.
Distinguished Research Award
Nominations for this category will be accepted for journal articles or book chapters published during 2017, 2018, and 2019. Nomination materials must include an electronic copy of the publication and a nominating letter indicating the unique and important contribution of the study to the literature along with verification that at least one of the authors is a current Division E member. Self-nominations are encouraged.Each award recipient will receive a plaque and a monetary award, to be presented at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting Division E business meeting.
All nominations must be received no later than January 31, 2020 to be considered for this competition. Only electronic nominations will be accepted.
Send nominations for the awards in the Counseling area to: Robert Martinez, Jr., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: rrmartin@email.unc.edu and Sejal Parikh-Foxx at UNC- Charlotte: sbparikh@uncc.edu
Send nominations for the awards in the Human Development area to: Saskias Casanova, UC, Santa Cruz:scasanov@ucsc.edu and Margary Martin, University of Hawaii, Hilo: margary@hawaii.edu